Making verification
better for everyone.

Welcome to VeriFast—the one-stop shop for companies, applicants and developers to verify and get verified.

VeriFast is the #1

Verification-as-a-Service Platform

We’re on a mission to make verification better for everyone. So whether you’re a business, applicant or developer, you’ve come to the right place, a place where you’re in control of your financial credentials.

Think of us as an all-in-one verification station. By streamlining the process with an industry-leading platform, you can get verified and get on with your business faster.

Safe, reliable, affordable- and with you every step of the way. That’s the promise of VeriFast.

Meet the people behind
the product

Tim Ray
Co-Founder & CEO
Chad Guziewicz
Co-Founder & COO
Craig Schoen
Co-Founder & CPO
Jeremy Schaller
Chief Growth Officer
Jeanne Klein
VP of Sales
Hrayr Mkrtchyan
Product Manager
Farooq Qureshi
Director of Data Operations
Becca Stafford
Director of Client Success
Pascal Bilodeau
Customer Service Lead
Cédric Desfosses
Product Design Lead
Tala Bitar
Senior Account Executive
Kayla Gilmour
Data Analyst
Ashley Garza
Client Success Manager

We're powering the best verification solution for industry leaders

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